That makes things a bit more complicated. Matching with Parallel / series L or C But no explanation on how to find the ZL if I have a series open/short stub with a given length Additional 'boundary condition' to the solution: AFAIK in the exam we are only given a Impedance Smith chart, no admittance Smith Chart.
Inserting parallel Open/short stubs and finding out the length 4.
Inserting series open/short stub with ZL=Z0 and finding out the length 3. Matching a real Zload to a real Z by inserting a series Transmission line (not series open/short stub) with ZL unequal to Z0 and finding out ZL 2. I already watched several videos and documents explaining smith chart matching.
3.75GHz 200 Ohm Generator -> lambda/8 Parallel open stub -> lambda/8 series short stub -> 50 Ohm load (Length is lambda/8 because it should filter out 7.5GHz for which the 10mm are lambda/4) The goal is to find the impedances ZL1 and ZL2 of the transmission lines. I have a circuit like in the attached image.